RBS Charity day 2013

stefano marzeglia Giovani

The story

2013 RBS Charity Day is the initiative of the Italian Corporate Social Responsability Group to raise funds for few onlus we support:

1) Associazione italiana per la lotta al Neuroblastoma Onlus  (http://www.neuroblastoma.org/)                   

2) Associazione La Nostra Comunita' Onlus(http://www.lanostracomunita.it/)

Some RBS employees in Milan and London agreed to make themselves available for few exhibitions with the main goal of raising as much funds as possible for the above two onlus.

Put some money on the exhibition you like the most and help us to select the "hero" of the Charity Days. Competition among top managers will help our ambition to be of some impact.

Employees will choose their own exhibition and will be "live on stage" on the 18th of December 2013 in either Milan or London. For those who will not be able to attend in person we will make sure to give you visibility of the events via video and photos.

Some of the suggested exhibition will be performed only if the fund raised for that specific exhibition will overtake a certain threshold. The performers can buy them out and avoid the exhibition matching the amount raised.

Of course the higher will be the funds raised, the higher will be the probability to see the exhibition! In both cases we will raise a lot of funds for our onlus!!

This is a list of the exhibitions that our bold colleagues will perform:  

Performers: Ilaria Bertizzolo and Luca Braulin

To liven up our Xmas Party on the 18th December, the mythical couple will dress, sing and dance like Albano and Romina” if we collect more than Euro 500 (fiveuhundred).


Performers: Stefano Marzeglia, Valentino Filippini, Marco Fumagalli, Filippo Cocchieri and Nicola Francia

To liven up our Xmas Party on the 18th Dec the incredible five will dress, sing and dance like the legendary “Village People” at the RBS Xmas Show if we collect more than Euro 1.500. If we are able to get to Euro 3.000 the Village People will changed into the wonderful RBS Full Mounty!!


 Performer: Elvira Viviani, Luigi Martani, Elda Derosa, Giuseppe Oltolini and Fabrizio Crispiatico

to liven up our Xmas Party on the 18th December, this brave group of colleagues will dress, sing and dance the “Gangnam Style” at the RBS Xmas Show if we collect more than Euro 1.000 


Performers: Massimo De Matteis, Sara Brugora, Rosella Pericotti and Licia Ciocca

to liven up our Xmas Party on the 18th December,, this unpredictable group will dress, sing and dance like the legendary “Boney M”  at the RBS Xmas Show if we collect more than euro 1.500


Performer: Luca Garella

On the 18th December, Luca will be the first man swimming from via Turati to via Principe Amedeo in 20cm of water if we collect more than euro 3.000! Luca will wear Borat’s mankini if we get to 5.000 euro


Performer: Francesco Rizzo

On the 18th of December, Francesco will bravely have a public, painful leg and breast plucking if we collect more than 3.000!


A daily update with the money collected for each exhibition will be published in our website. 


If you want to have the donation to be fiscally deductible please make your payment directly to the Onlus. These are the details:

1) Ass. Neuroblastoma : http://www.neuroblastoma.org/sostienici/dona_ora.html

2) La Nostra Comunita' :  IBAN: IT95A0623009555000063450503


 Please remember to state amount and destination (which performance) of your donation on the forum of this website.